5 Lessons from Berlin

Lessons after completing the Berlin half-marathon in 2 hours and 10 minutes ✨

🥇 Lesson 1 – The power of my mind

If you are able to imagine yourself meeting your goals, you can silence the devil no matter the level of discomfort you experience in training and the race.

🥇 Lesson 2 – Tenacity

For me, running is not an easy form of exercise to get into. Those early days of running can often be cruel. I had to push through the pain and adversity. Over time, that tenacity begins to pay off.

🥇Lesson 3 – Consistency

The only way to become a better runner is to run on a regular basis, which isn’t always easy when you lead a busy lifestyle. I don’t just find the time to run, I make time to run. For progress, I needed to be consistent with my training.

🥇Lesson 4 – Confidence

It is the feeling that comes with knowing that your effort will pay off and the goal is within reach. It is an inner strength that reassures you that you’re on the right path and that no matter what challenges lie ahead, you’re ready for them.

🥇Lesson 5 – Short Memory

This is counterintuitive, but it’s true 😬 I have a short memory when it comes to both my successes and failures, in general.

In other words, I don’t dwell on how well or poorly I’ve performed on specific part of the journey to get to my goal. Instead I recognise that there are some great parts and others that seemed like a struggle. Over-analysing wouldn’t serve any benefit, I focused on the goal.

So there I was… after 19weeks of training in winter 🥶 wet, very cold, windy Dutch weather. (In combination with being a full-time working mum)

🎉 Nothing beats that glorious feeling, going through the Brandenburg Tor with the finish line in sight! 🏃🏻‍♀️

I believed I could. I showed up. The Universe delivered the magic ✨🔥

#experience #training #resilience #ninajustin #businessmentor

Nina Justin

East-meets-West Business Mentor & Resilience Advocate

Join The Resilience Club

to turn obstacles into springboards